When Is the Lowe Files Wood Ape Episode Coming on Again

By Brian Brownish

I honestly didn't think anything would happen. The premise wasn't one I'd accept predicted would be conducive to encouraging apey beliefs: Dragging a big Hollywood TV product crew fashion into the bush for a few hours ane night, their vehicles and gear, and i of television set's most recognizable stars and his two young adult sons. I'd seen enough episodes of Finding Bigfoot to know "nothing" was far more likely than "something." But what the heck, I figured. Time spent in the woods is never wasted and information technology might exist fun seeing how the sausage gets made in reality TV.

Just something did happen. A couple somethings, in fact. But…they didn't happen exactly the style it looked on the show.  And then this is my personal remembrance of the behinds the scenes take a chance that was episode eight of the The Lowe Files, "The Woods Apes."

Allow's support. Television set product companies have reached out to the Northward American Wood Ape Conservancy many times in the past asking united states to be part of their shows. We invariably say no. Sometimes they inquire more once, simply no remains our answer. In fact, when The Lowe Files folks originally contacted u.s.a., they got our standard answer. They got information technology the second and tertiary fourth dimension they asked, too. That was earlier they revealed the real premise backside the show and that our more scientific arroyo was what drew them to us and that Rob Lowe was fastened. Rob has had a life-long interest in the subject of what we call wood apes, we discovered, and has discussed it publicly on several occasions. After they made many assurances we would be portrayed as we are (serious, dedicated) and not in whatever style made for the most entertaining hour of television and agreeing to make a modest donation to our organization, we eventually relented (nobody you run across on-screen from the NAWAC was compensated in whatever way). The first time nosotros've done that for an active TV product in a decade.

We met them in the Ouachita Mountains in southeast Oklahoma, non the Ozarks as the prove indicated. The Ozarks and Ouachitas are side by side however distinct ranges. In whatever event, they came rolling up in near a one-half dozen vehicles, including at least two motorhomes and a minivan, and the crew poured out bristling with cameras and smash mics moments before the Lowes pulled in driving their tricked-out Ford F-150 Raptor. A serious case of truck lust ensued, but I endeavored to maintain my professional demeanor.

And and then nosotros just jumped right in. No preamble, no introduction. The meeting yous see on the evidence is the starting time fourth dimension we talked to any of them directly. We barely had a chance to say boo to the crew who had simply landed in strength. To me, it seemed somewhat bad-mannered as nosotros hadn't really practiced anything or discussed what to say. It was at this signal I noticed the first "adventures in creative editing" problem. In existent life, I related at least ii split up events involving encounters I've had with wood apes, just on the show they shrink them into one in such a way that made no literal sense (how could I see a wood ape peeking from behind a tree if information technology was pitch nighttime?).

My initial impression of the Lowes was that they were genuinely interested in hearing what we had experienced and the subject affair in general. They were obviously very close and enjoying one another's visitor. Rob in item seemed quite engaged and animated as nosotros related various events and suppositions we'd developed over years. And and so, just like that, the entire bizarre convoy was driving into the forest. At i point, we passed a family unit on ATVs driving in the opposite direction on the forest road. Can't imagine what they thought they were seeing. Certainly a force like none other encountered on that road earlier.

We had to end a curt way in considering none only the serious off-route vehicles could go to the camp nosotros called Tosche Station. The road was just as well precarious. Rocky and narrow, our people regularly bargain with damage done by it to their vehicles. No way the crew was getting in driving their minivans and campers. We deposited the bulk of them at a nice wide clearing by the side of the route and went the rest of the way in with a skeleton crew that still seemed to number a dozen people, not counting the Lowes themselves.  Everyone piled into the backs of choice-upwardly trucks or stuffed into their cabs.

Except for the Lowes. My friend Brandon Lentz was chosen to ride with them in the truck that caused animalism in my center and I'll probably always hold information technology against him.

Along the style, we found what might have been a nut-crushing station. Nosotros've found these from time to time in the mountains around there. This i didn't have any nut remains on it, but did take flakes struck from the hammer stone still on the anvil stone. Intriguing but inconclusive. We pressed on.

We encountered a mature tree downward over the trail resulting in some muscular demonstrations of the abilities of the Ford pick-up truck platform. When we couldn't motility it and realized we had no style of cutting it, the trucks simply collection correct over it. A fourth dimension where significant footing clearance came in very handy. In lesser vehicles, the evidence would accept concluded right there. I'grand sure the Ford people would accept liked to see their product placement dollars hard at work in that state of affairs.

We arrived at the army camp and, in guild to take advantage of the remaining daylight, immediately broke into two groups as shown in the episode. Nosotros each went split directions on a loop trail and met up half way through. The on-screen text said we were four miles from camp at one point, simply in reality it couldn't accept been more than a quarter mile at its furthest. And this led to the real "adventures in editing" criminal offense. The one fourth dimension I sat up and yelled at my TV. Here'southward what happened.

Rob, Brandon, and I were walking forth, scrambling over downed trees, and discussing various aspects of our enquiry. At a certain point, I realized I had no idea where we were. Tosche Station was not our regular research location and was used for the show primarily because it was the least arduous drive with the almost seclusion. I had never been there before and accept not been back since, so in retrospect, I was probably not the guy to be leading one of the 2 groups. I knew we were getting close to campsite, but didn't know exactly where it was. I radioed to them to brand noise and that's when you see, on the show, Daryl Colyer burn down his weapon into the mountainside causing something to commodities and run up its slope. The reason Daryl fired is not explained in the evidence and makes information technology appear rather random which is problematic, but that's non my real effect. Still getting to that.

But commencement, an aside. I'm very comfortable hearing my own voice. Different most people, I like how I sound. Only seeing myself on TV? That was new. And I'thousand not sure how well I similar that, especially when on screen with the freakish genetic specimen that is Rob Lowe. He makes everyone look at least 25% older and fatter. Yeah. Anyhow…

Not long subsequently Daryl fired his weapon, we were dorsum on track. Then the three of us heard a perfect, clear "whoop" from backside united states. Non likewise far away. And so nosotros heard another whoop, perhaps in response, from the opposite direction across the creek. The starting time whoop was the best I've ever heard in those mountains. Both were recorded on photographic camera. Pretty clearly, though they're barely heard on the show.

They were and so perfect, my initial impressions was we were being fooled by Rob'south sons or the production crew back at camp. And then, every bit we were moving to investigate, nosotros bumped into my friend Mike Mayes coming from army camp to find us. In real life, I asked him if he had made the whoop (even so non entirely believing we heard such a perfect example with a TV camera running — though the return whoop could not have been him), and he said no, information technology wasn't him. They've edited the show so it looks like he admitted information technology was him. Merely he never said anything like that. No way do members of the NAWAC exercise that to 1 another and at that place are few people's word I'd put as much stock in as Mikey'south.

When we got back to camp, there seemed to exist some confusion with Rob as to the source of the whoop. Y'all can see this in the show. He evidently nonetheless idea it was Mike, fifty-fifty though Mike had clearly denied it to usa presently afterward we heard it. My theory is the editors spliced the event together to make sense of Rob's confusion. Unfortunately, in doing so they made Mike look like someone not near every bit serious equally I know him to be.

In retrospect, it's difficult for me to explain the whoops in any manner other than they were produced by apes. As the show indicates, a few of us thought we heard a faint whoop earlier in our walk. Both teams did (though I didn't). Then we heard two more equally we got closer to military camp.  Since there was no sign of any other people anywhere near us and the road was blocked by downed trees in both directions. Along with nobody outside our minor grouping knowing exactly where we'd be, the possibility of outside interference and hoaxing is near goose egg.

Then there was a bunch of milling about at camp. We took some cheesy promotional images and I was told I could eat from the "talent" nutrient box because I was wearing a mic. That was a nice granola bar, permit me tell you lot. And then all the coiffure had to bug out because they're only allowed to work a sure number of hours in day. That left only me, Mike, Daryl, Paul Bowman, and Brandon with the three Lowes and their field producer Jeff who acted as camera man for the rest of the nighttime.

Not a lot of significance happened for a while. Not until it got belatedly. From the location of our camp, some of us were hearing faint ape-type pant-hoot sounds. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Tranquility just seemingly pretty close. This led Daryl to take Matthew Lowe and Brandon a petty ways away from camp downward by the creek with a couple thermals to sit and detect and see what they could meet. It was tardily and nighttime, but the thermal scopes "meet" in heat, not light, and anything with a temperature would testify up.

Later a flake, as I call back, Brandon radioed to us request if someone was on the road. Jeff the producer was and Brandon thought he was seeing him so we pulled Jeff back closer to us. But he was yet seeing what looked similar a person. Merely this person was showing up every bit uniformly bright in the thermal where a person would be mottled as different amounts of heat leaked through their clothes (hot white confront, darker under their pilus, patches of heat on the torso, etc.). From Brandon's perspective, information technology appeared to be swaying slightly. And then information technology dropped to the ground and out of view.  Matthew also saw something. According to my video of Brandon's post-meet interview, Matt saw something dart abroad.

We were discussing this result and pointing in the general direction of where whatever they saw had been when we saw two small spots of white lite. Every bit shown in the episode, we had been discussing wood ape eye polish before in the day and I in particular am always looking for it (having seen it several times over the years).

With the still-fresh meet hanging in the air and the lights showing upward, from our perspective, pretty much where Brandon had seen the figure, my listen immediately idea we were seeing eyes. In retrospect, I should have been circumspect. The "eyes" were white and typically what we believe is ape middle polish shows greenish or orangish. I accept seen suspicious white eye polish, simply never when I could confidently say it was ape-related. Also, information technology was very bright. Ape eyes seem to reflect a great deal of lite (making them visible even in incredibly low light conditions) but these were besides vivid. I blame the heightened sense of the mail-thermal event for making me bound too apace to assuming the light was ape-related.

In any event, the lights seemed to move in a weird way and so there was more than of them. They went from looking marginally like optics to looking more similar people with flashlights. We called out to them, but they didn't respond. They would stop for a bit and then get again, but we heard no reply. In brusque, this was easily 1 of the strangest things I've always experienced in a place noted for strange things.

Eventually, as is seen on the testify, the mystery resolves itself. It was an overland society chosen ArkLaTex Offroad that had gone miles and miles that day, more often than not on nasty roads, and they were looking for a way out. They insist they were not "lost" and, I suppose, in the sense that non all who wander are, they weren't, but the lead driver told us at the time they were. Once their caravan rolled through camp, we filmed a scrap more than then the Lowe's tore off into the night in their truck of my dreams.

The entire episode with the overland grouping is portrayed very confusingly, I thought. A lot of jumping and cutting equally if the footage were put into a blender. Little of information technology was in the order in which it happened. None of it fabricated whatever sense. Only I don't make TV shows, so what do I know? However, the advent of that group well demonstrates why we never performed serious operations there. The fact that there was a through-route made it inappropriate for us and the TV result, as random and weird as information technology was, highlights that. We can't operate in a space without a much higher caste of control over who shows upward, for a diverseness of reasons.

Turns out, our episode was the season finale. I'm glad we were able to provide some drama for them, even if it didn't always play out how it was shown. I will admit at present that I presumed the show and its concept was a scrap of ego affair for Rob, merely after watching all the episodes including ours, I observe myself sort of moved by the whole thing. If given the take chances to go along a series of adventures with my son (especially in that truck) I'd jump at information technology, ratings be damned. I don't think it's a coincidence he did this soon after they both left dwelling house for college. My son recently did the same and I find myself wistful for times like those the Lowe'south shared together. Information technology may not be the best show ever made about weird "paranormal" subjects, simply I recollect it had heart. And that's not nothing.


Source: https://www.woodape.org/index.php/meandrob/

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