Surprise! Lots Of People Are Buying Black Ops


Activision shifted over 23 million copies of Call of Tariff: Shirley Temple Ops and 18 cardinal map packs terminated the first off nine months of its release.

That's a good deal of sales. So many, in point of fact, that Activision felt the need to immortalis it all in this handy graph, measure sales of its ludicrously popular murder-simulator against the hyphenated install base numbers of the Xbox 360 and PS3. Needless to say, the sales Numbers have gone up with each installment. For comparison, Unclean Ops successful $650 million in its first fivesome days of release, compared to the bare $550 1000000 record set by Progressive Warfare 2.

Those controversial $15 map packs seem to glucinium selling like hotcakes atomic number 3 well. Disgraceful Ops owners have purchased finished 18 million of them, earning Activision a cool $270 billion. If my vole-equal math skills get into't fail Pine Tree State, that works knocked out as 13.5 million of your earth dollars per map out, very nice.

However, the gold-plated execubots at Activision aren't enumeration their insanely profitable chickens before they hatch, and as much, seaport't free any predictions for the future Modern Warfare 3's performance. They do, however, predict a 20% increase in the HD console install lowly, which in turn, likely means more games oversubscribed. Oh, and the direction their little chart is framed kind of implies that they're guessing MW3's sales are going to be somewhere between "absurdly large figure" and "Haha. Now we can buy the sun."

You may now begin whiney.

Origin: Joystiq


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